Between you and your writing lies the longest gap.
How do you go from answering emails and scheduling car inspections to writing, say, fiction? Or a poem? Or an email to your list? Or even a journal entry?
You listen to a simple, effective meditation.
These 4 short meditations from Becky Karush of Read to Me Literary Arts will help you cross that long beach between not writing and writing.
Listen. Put down what you’re carrying. Slow down. Wake up. Take up the pen. Now you’re ready to sail into your writing. It’s all out there, waiting for you.
Sign Up & Set Sail Now
About Becky & Read to Me Literary Arts
Becky Karush is the founder of Read to Me Literary Arts, a writing school where writers learn to dazzle us and themselves with fresh, brilliant writing. We know you can write amazing things, and so you do. We offer small-group salons, workshops, retreats, and 1:1 coaching to help you surface your innate talent, so you can write the stories that are yours alone to write.
Becky’s a certified teacher of the Gateless Writing method and has led more than 400 groups through the Gateless Writing process. She graduated from Wesleyan University (B.A.) and Emerson College (M.A.), and she worked as a teacher, farmer, journalist, Disney magazine editor, and copywriter. She is a 2022 Creative Community Fellow with National Arts Strategies, and host and produce of the Read to Me podcast. She’s working on a novel.
Her family is Christopher, son, age 10; Bob, the husband (also a writer); and Wendy, mom, who lives in their basement grotto (somewhat nicer than it sounds.) Three are introverts; one loves meeting new people. Right now they are reading Rivka Galchen’s RAT RULE 79. (A lot nicer than it sounds.) They live in New Hampshire and have a yard full of ideas. Ranger is their cat.